So I was at a gathering with some friends and we were talking about films, when they asked what are my top 10 films are I couldn't think!. So here is my top 10 films!
So, when I was compiling my list of top 10 films I started cheating and putting in sets of films, so here is a different top 10!
Looking through my film collection it was hard to miss some of the films from my top 10 list, so here are a top 10 of Westerns
Want to have a laugh? Try these films that I find funny
Films always have music, this list are those I like that are Musicals, and No I'm not including animated Disney / Pixar films
Now Bands
I've done films, so better do my favourite TV shows. I've decided to split comedies into a different list.
Not a top 10 because there are too many, there are some you've probably not heard of