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A sport I play only 3 or 4 times a week. A lot better than just going out for a walk, requires physical ability and mental toughness. Check my golf blog to see how I'm getting on.


I don't play but do enjoy watching

The usual nonsense I get when mention cricket is that it's boring and nothing really happens. This is usually from those who follow football, so I have a few thoughts for you if you consider Cricket boring

  • EVERY ball bowled something could happen, some runs could be scored, the batter could be out, there could be a controversy - Like many other sports, such as Tennis, Golf - Could this happen at every kick of a football, a throw of a basketball?
  • There is constant scoring taking place, ok not every ball bowled but the game is to get as bigger score as possible
  • It becomes a strategy game, each team trying to out think the other, the fielding team position fielders in places to stop the batter scoring runs AND places where the batter might hit the ball and be caught out. The fielding positions are influenced by the bowler and the type of delivery they are planning, which could be one of many.
  • The strategy of the batters is to score runs where there are no fielders, they also will target certain bowlers they think they can over power them and smash them for 6 or 4 runs

Formula 1

This is interesting on 2 fronts. The race itself and the politics before, during and after!


I'm not a cyclist, the roads round here are too narrow and there is too much traffic for me to make a go of it, I know people do, but it's not for me.

I do enjoy watching the Tour de France every year, I find it fascinating, several sub races and the fitness of the riders is brilliant to go for their different objectives.

Yes it was a sport dogged by drug abuse in the past, that was so long ago but still repeated who don't watch or follow cycling that's how it is. This is a shame and just shows how hard it is to change negative perceptions/opinions.