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Thursday Stableford

Date: 14/11/2024

What went well

After a bad start really got going. At the end of the round had a score +3 after going to +6 at one point.

Mentally kept strong and didn't let misfortune and lack of concentration get on top of my and make things worse.

What could be improved

Getting a good start to the round!


Mental and round preparation

That thing I read about "if you are eating your brain doesn't think you are in danger so doesn't trigger the fight-or-flight response" is working so I now chew gum during the game. Annoying as biting the inside of my lip is I'll put up with that!

Team comp 2 out of 3 to score and yellow ball!

Date: 09/11/2024

For this format it's a 3 person team and have to nominate the order of play who has the 'Yellow' ball. The person nominated as the yellow ball scores double for that hole. the nomination continues in the same order for the round. Off 85% handicap.

What went well

Another good day playing, relaxed, enjoying the company, scored well.

What could be improved

Maintaining the mental approach and pre-shot routine. A few times didn't pick the right club and didn't get the result wanted, managed to rescue the hole.


Just keep doing what are doing, it's working.. Remember this and maintain the confidence that this approach works.

Thursday Stableford

Date: 07/11/2024

What went well

Everything, mental approach was good, even after a couple of poor shots, didn't let it get into my head just reset and tried again.

Picked the right club, the right line and took time to hit the shot.

What could be improved

Maintaining the mental approach and pre-shot routine. Had a couple of instances where lost the focus.


Just keep doing what are doing, it's working.. Remember this and maintain the confidence that this approach works.

Thursday Stableford

Date: 31/10/2024

What went well
  • Driving: Good
  • Irons: Good
  • Chipping: Great
  • Putting: Great
  • Mentally: Good, kept head after a poor start and maintained the pre-shot routine.. picking a spot and playing to that
What could be improved
  • Maintaining the concentration for all 18 holes. Got distracted looking for balls in leaves on the 16th and lost all focus and didn't concentrate or commit to shots
  • Keep focused on maintaining the pre-shot routine throughout the round
  • Maybe take a separate card to count the times use it and as a reminder

Team game, 4 ball, better ball - Stableford

Date: 26/10/2024

What went well

Just about everything went well, my own scoring I ended up level (36 points) with 2 non-scoring holes.. so without the mistakes could have been 4 under!!!

The mental approach I've adopted is really working, picking the small target on the horizon and focusing on that before the shot. Chewing gum while playing is also working, I read that if the brain thinks you are eating, then it remains calmer, this does seem to work, except I keep biting inside of my lip!

What could be improved

Choosing the right shot and club, I failed on this a couple of times and scored tripples!


Keep progressing with the mental game and don't be afraid of a bit of risk with the shot being chosen.

Thursday Stableford

Date: 24/10/2024

What went well
  • Driving: Mostly Ok
  • Irons: Good
  • Chipping: Very good, using the 7 iron for long distance 50 yards plus worked very well.
  • Putting: Picked up after the first few holes where I missed 3 x 5 footers by inches that were on line and deviated at the hole.
  • Mentally: Very good. Relaxed, Picked a small target in the distance to aim for, Took time on the shot and then Committed toit
What could be improved
  • Picked the wrong club a couple of times
  • Mental approach working well, have a list to refer to before starting
  • Chewing gum, distracts the mind, keep doing that

Team Comp - 2 out of 3 to count - Stableford

Date: 19/10/2024

What went well
  • A mixed game today, some great holes and then some not so good. Along with some bad luck :-) - A couple of drives that ended up right behind trees!
  • Many pars (6) and the rest double-bogies!
  • Yes got frustrated at getting double-bogies and reacted badly, but then put it behind and tried again calmly
What could be improved
  • Usual problem, concentration... well committing to the shot to get the 3rd / 4th shot on the green..
  • Basically I managed to have a bit of bad luck or a bad shot and the compounded it with another on the same hole.
  • Continue the mental approach, it is getting better :-)

The Manor - Drighlington

Date: 17/10/2024

Today a group of us headed over to The Manor golf course at Drighlington for 18 holes. A good deal for only £24. The course is relatively new having opened in 1992 and looks really good. It's well spaced out and the holes intertwine with each other, so it's not just a case of back and forwards but round and round. Because of this there are several long walks between greens to the next tee.

It was so good, I've included the card below

What went well
  • Driving: Every one straight down the middle and long. Just kept focusing on "hitting it on the up" and not over swinging.
  • Irons: Lots of good irons, hit in the direction I wanted to. Did this by picking the target and not trying to muscle it but just swung smooth.
  • Chipping: Most really good, lobbing it over bunkers, really enjoyed the challenge here. Did this by really committing to the shot.
  • Putting: Was ok, Managed to 2 putt some of the time and an occasional 1 putt!
  • Mentally: Stayed calm and relaxed throughout. Didn't have any massive way-ward shots to get upset about. But did get frustrated by one hole that I didn't concentrate on the 3 chip shots it took me to get on the green from 20 yards away! - The good thing was I quickly put it behind me and went on to par the next 4 holes!
What could be improved
  • Club selection on 2nd shots. Early holes I just didn't take enough club and then didn't commit to the shot and ended up short, or pulled well left.
  • Carry on, done good so far with improvements.
  • Have taken time to consider how I'm going to play and react before the start of the round.

Saturday Stableford

Date: 12/10/2024

What went well
  • Driving: Brilliant, just one slight push to the right on the 2nd tee
  • Irons: Mostly good
  • Chipping: Mostly ok
  • Putting: Great
  • Mentally: Very good, Did some mental preparation before starting, focusing on how well the round might go, relaxing and deciding how I would enjoy the round
What could be improved
  • Had a couple of mind "blips" where I just stopped concentrating. Was good though as I realised and turned it round
  • Have a mental thing with the 6th and 7th holes, can't seem to be able to play these anywhere near well.
  • Need to re-do and repeated do the pre-game mental preparation that did really work.
  • When get chance go and play the 6th and 7th a few times to get that problem out of my mind :-)

Thursday Stableford

Date: 10/10/2024

What went well
  • All clubs were good especially when committed to the shot.. see below!
  • Mentally: Going well for the first 14 holes
What could be improved
  • Irons still need work, still some fading and then some pulls-left, including 1 over the hedges into the gardens!
  • Brain lost concentration and got really upset from a bad hole (15th) and couldn't let it go for 3 holes, then missed 2 short puts for par on the next 2 holes
  • Got to somehow sort my brain, when I came back from the fall I played well for a couple of weeks and it's gone downhil from there, maybe 'm just too tired as I know I'm only getting 5 to 6 hours sleep a night!
  • Some research needed and a better mindset