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Magic Eye pictures

These images popped up in my facebook feed today and there are several groups and people creating them. How do they do it, how easy or hard is it. Lets find out !

Grandad's Diaries

In 1924 my Grandad started writing a daily diary. He continued this until he entered Hospital where he passed away a few days later in July 1980.

These diaries are a mixture of sized pocket one per year. Mostly written in pencil.

To make these useful and readable by members of the family, my dad (Grandad's son) is currently transcribing them into spreadsheets, then I am collating these into a book along with many of the original documents and photos that supplement the entries.

Once complete, these diaries will be deposited at West Yorkshire Archives as they are documenting social history.


A card game I've started to develop for Android mobiles. I need to fully complete this and load it to my Google Developer Profile so it's available for all.

Once done an entry will be placed in 'my apps'

Minecraft real world maps

Looking at the Diaries of my Grandad it's clear that Halifax has changed a lot during his lifetime and even more since 1980.

What I wanted was a way to take an old map and have it displayed in some way to allow exploring the area as it was then.

Then I found that this is possible using OpenStreetMap and Minecraft. The code to do this is in Perl and has been written many many years ago by a person in Southampton University, it is open source.

I've taken this software and with some tweaks have got it to work, sort of, but there is still work required to tidy it up and sort out how to use freely available LIDAR data because the format has changed since the code was created.

Model Train layout to complete

A few years ago I wanted to do something different than just use a computer screen, so I bought a model train 'oo' gauge. I've got the board and track all laid out in a couple of large rings with connections between the 2. I also have buildings, made out of colour printed card and glued to the correct shape, they look very good.

The trains are controlled by DCC (Digital Command Control) which allows trains to be controlled by computer software and sequences of commands. Each train is controlled independently so can have 2 trains moving on the layout at the same time

What I need to do next is create some interesting landscape in the layout and for the buildings to sit on. Then create the control steps to have the trains run in a way that makes sense.

Minecraft extensions

How are extensions written? I want to have a go

My Idea is to have a plug in that can automatically load a predefined model into the current Minecraft world. so for example, a standard house could be loaded in without having to build it. Of course the player would have to have collected the resources before it will work, or it could be used to get the hard to get stuff very easily


Interested in what this is and how sites operate to have a currency

How come new coins keep popping up and scamming people