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I've always enjoyed reading or listening to stories, real or made up and after many years not able to find the time I have now come back to reading. Here are reviews of some of the books I've read or listened to.



The games I've enjoyed playing or am still playing. These include computer, board, card and others.


Golf Blog

After playing golf for many years with some good and some bad rounds. With a strong physical game I realised my lack of performance was elsewhere so investigated the mental side of the game. After some excellent reads, doing this is a great way to help



Who doesn't like a list of stuff? This is a collection of things.


My apps

I've always enjoyed writing / developing / programming so decided to have a go at an android game or 2 and maybe more when I get the idea. This section has those apps, some of which are available on Google play.


Open Data

During investigations into one of my projects I came across some open data. So thought what is out there available. I couldn't find a definitive list of sources so started creating my own. Some of these sources contain many many set of data. No I'm not cataloguing them all!



Getting out and about is fun and there are many interesting places to visit, sometimes time and time again.



I've been writing software applications and games since my teens and have been fortunate to be able to turn my hobby and interest into my career. I like exploring different coding languages and write something that works, sometimes useful, sometimes not, but the fun is in the exploring during the journey and not the end result



Some bits and pieces I've had ideas about and having a go at messing about with them.


Shows and Concerts

We like going to concerts and shows, some of them I like, some I don't, find out more here


Sing us a song on the Karaoke

Many of us like a good sing so I've sorted out a laptop with Karaoke software and loaded all these songs on to it.



I play sports and enjoy watching others, let me explain...


Watching What?

I do enjoy watching TV shows, films and real life content through the magic that is YouTube. Look here to see what I've found.

About me

An IT professional for over 35 years

After a long and crazy career in IT, I finally called it quits to do my own thing. I was lucky enough to work on some really cool projects, and now I’m free to focus on what I love.

This is my digital brain dump: thoughts, ideas, and things on my radar.